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GI360™ Profile

GI360™ Profile

Regular price $495.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $495.00 USD
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Specimen Requirements

A 3 day stool collection is optional, but can enhance the reliability of parasite testing as recommended by the Center for Disease Control. If you choose to perform a 1 day collection, discard the Day 1 and Day 2 vials, and only collect using the three Day 3 vials.

For 3 day collections it is preferable but not necessary to collect on consecutive days, but the final collection must be made within seven days of the first.

Please see collection instructions for detailed instructions.

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Cornerstone of Wellness

Disruptions in gastrointestinal microbiome and gut function can result in both localized and widespread health issues. The GI360™ Profile is an innovative, comprehensive, and clinically applicable stool profile that can aid in detecting underlying causes of symptoms, improving treatment strategies and patient outcomes. The profile includes dysbiosis, abundance and diversity assessments of the gut microbiome based on 45 peer-reviewed analytes shown to contribute to dysbiosis and other chronic disease states, GI pathogens via multiplex PCR parasitology via microscopy, bacterial microbiology with susceptibilities (prescriptive and natural agents) and stool chemistries.

  • What Patients Might Benefit

    Gastrointestinal stool analysis is indicated for all chronic GI problems, and many systemic diseases.

    Atopic Dermatitis
    Arthritis / Joint Pain
    Autoimmune Disorders
    Bowel Pattern Changes
    Cardiovascular Disease
    Celiac Disease
    Cognition Issues
    Crohn’s Disease
    Diarrhea, Constipation, Abdominal Distension
    Diverticulosis / Diverticulitis
    Food Sensitivities
    IBD / IBS
    Early Satiety
    Gas / Bloating / Abdominal Pain
    Gastrointestinal Symptoms
    Metabolic Syndrome (HTN, obesity, T2DM, lipid abnormalities)
    Mood Disorders
    Mucosal Barrier Dysfunction
    Skin Issues

  • Details

    The GI360™ Stool Profile offers extensive assessment of the gastrointestinal microbiome.

    • PCR Analysis for the Abundance and Diversity ofKey Bacterial Populations of the GI Microbiome
    • PCR Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria, Viruses, and Parasites
    • Comprehensive Parasitology by Microscopy
    • MALDI-TOF ID of Cultured Bacteria and Yeast
    • Broad Range of Stool Chemistry Markers
    • Standardized Susceptibility Testing of Isolated Bacteria and Yeast

    GI360 Profile: an innovative, comprehensive, and clinically applicable stool profile, utilizing multiplex PCR molecular technology coupled with growth-based culture and ID by MALDI-TOF, sensitive biochemical assays and microscopy to detect and assess the status of pathogens, viruses, parasites and bacteria that may be contributing to acute or chronic gastrointestinal symptoms and disease.

    Microbiome Abundance and Diversity – The GI360 Profile is a gut microbiota DNA analysis tool that identifies and characterizes the abundance and diversity of more than 45 targeted analytes that peer-reviewed research has shown to contribute to dysbiosis and other chronic disease states.

    The GI360 Profile can identify the presence of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and parasites using multiplexed, real-time PCR. Viruses are the primary cause of acute diarrhea, and the least commonly tested. The identification of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and parasites improves treatment strategies and patient outcomes.

    The Dysbiosis and Diversity Index These indexes are calculated from the results of the Microbiome Profile, with scores ranging from 1 to 5, and do not include consideration of dysbiotic and pathogenic bacteria, yeast, parasites and viruses that may be reported in subsequent sections of the GI360 Profile. A dysbiosis score above 2 indicates dysbiosis; a microbiota profile that differs from the defined normobiotic reference population.  The higher the score above 2, the more the sample deviates from the normobiotic profile. A diversity score of 3 indicates an expected amount of diversity, with 4 & 5 indicating an increased distribution of bacteria based on the number of different species and their abundance in the sample, calculated based on Shannon’s diversity index. Scores of 1 or 2 indicate less diversity than the defined normobiotic reference population. This expanded view of clinically significant bacteria offers actionable data to the practitioner, particularly in combination with the complementary methodologies employed in the GI360™ Profile.